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IMPORTANT NOTE: although this page has a "" URL, this is not about gitolite. That's just an artifact of "" being translated to "" and so ALL my git related stuff gets carried over. Gitolite documentation has another /gitolite in the URL, so you can tell. My apologies for this confusion.

for people who think SVN is good enough ;-)

The official comparison is here. There is also a Git - SVN crash course.

Lots of SVN info is scattered in a few other files in this directory; eventually it should all be pulled into this file.

^^as Churchill said, so much to do, and so little time in which to do it… (sigh)^^

What follows is my understanding of the SVN scenario, from various sources. I personally have used SVN only briefly. If there are errors in the SVN part of this description please let me know.

1 briefly…

Git’s advantages over SVN (all of them affect productivity and/or maintainability, indicated in parens as P or M) are:

Git does a lot of things better than any other VCS:

2 …and a bit more detail

2.1 ‘svn update’ on very active projects

When you, as a developer, have made a fair number of changes on your workstation, and wish to commit these to the SVN repo, you do an ‘svn update’. This brings in the latest changes from the server.

Unfortunately, if the other developers have also been very active, there could be a lot of new/changed code. All of those changes, in one fell swoop, are now merged into your working copy, so conflicts are very likely.

Worse, the ‘svn update’ has managed to lose the separation between your local changes and the updates that came from the server. You now have exactly one chance to resolve those conflicts and commit the result. And you’d better do it fast – before the upstream tree changes again!

[This is when an SVN newbie will realise he should have backed up his current source tree using tar or zip ;-)]

With git, you would not do the git pull while you still have uncommitted changes in your local repository. This is a distributed VCS, so you have a local repository to take care of all that.

So just commit all your changes locally, and then do a git pull!

Of course this will have the same conflicts as in SVN and you still have to do a manual conflict resolution, but:

  1. your local changes are cleanly saved, so if you botch up the manual conflict resolution, you can go back to your last local commit and try again. As many times as you need to, really.
  2. if you do a git pull --rebase, (which is closer to what SVN does actually), then git will apply your local changes one commit at a time instead of the whole thing in one shot, making the conflict resolution also go in small, easily digestible chunks.
  3. in rare cases, the ‘upstream’ has changed so much that a lot of your local changes become invalid and you have to redo them. With SVN – you have to throw the whole lot away and start again. With git, you would have made a series of small, granular, commits on your local tree, and this lets you salvage the pieces that are still acceptable and redo only those that are not. Then you do your git pull or git pull --rebase again.

^^Basic idea from a post by Junio at^^

2.2 local caching and repository size

2.2.1 What extra information is cached locally?

When you do an ‘svn checkout’, you get a working copy of the revision you checked out, plus svn saves away an extra copy of the same stuff. This allows you to do things like see what you changed with respect to the checked out version.

But if you need a diff between your copy and some other version, you need network access. If you need a diff between two checked-in revisions, again you need network access.

When you do a git clone, however, git stores the complete history of all the branches that the parent repository has! So the only time you now need network access is when you want to update the server, nothing else.

This might make you think git’s repositories are huge! Far from it; here’s an example that uses the Mozilla repository, with full history from 1998 or so:

That’s a ratio of almost 20:1 in size over SVN.

3 some links