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ignoring an upstream commit permanently


…as usual, doener on irc, circa 2009-07-15 10:00

1 problem

A---B---C---D---E (master)
  X---X---V---X (upstream)

You try to merge upstream to master and get a shitload of conflicts.

“gitk –merge” tells you that commit V is “guilty” and is just a variation of, let’s say, B (doesn’t matter), that differs enough to cause those conflicts.

You decide that you don’t want V’s version of the changes, now or in future. That is, though you will keep merging from upstream, you don’t want to see “V” ever again.

2 assumption

You never have to push this upstream; it’s your private copy (think “customer specific branch”)

3 caveats

Eventually, something upstream will patch something from V, and since you don’t have that particular set of code, you’ll get a patch that cannot be applied. At that point you can repeat this method to discard that commit, or fix the conflicts somehow and move on.

4 the hard solution

Fix all the conflicts and commit. For people still living in other version control systems :-)

5 the easy solution

Create a branch from upstream where you revert V and merge that to master

git checkout -b tmp upstream
git revert V        # produces commit "R"
git checkout master
git merge tmp       # please also use -m to document this properly!
git branch -d tmp

A---B---C---D---E---M (master)
 \                 /
  \               R
   \             /
    X---X---V---X (upstream)

Next update from upstream will lead to:

git merge upstream

A---B---C---D---E---M---M2 (master)
 \                 /   /
  \               R   /
   \             /   /
    X---X---V---X---X (upstream)

(and so on; you’ve essentially eliminated “V” forever in your branch).

Note: doener calls this ugly, but I like this much better than the next one. First, this only uses porcelain, no plumbing. Second, the extra commit “R” makes it clear that something happened, even if the merge commit at “M” was not properly commented.

6 the hackish, low-level solution

Don’t use this if, like me, you’re not comfortable with plumbing. This section is just for the record, and because the idea is very cool. Personally, I never use plumbing – too many commands, too hard for me to understand, even more difficult (for me) to explain.

Create a branch from upstream, and revert V

git checkout -b tmp upstream
git revert V

Merge master to that:

git merge master

Hopefully, the revert as well as the merge went pretty much conflict-free now. So you have the merge result that you want in tmp.

Now, create the real merge:

git checkout master
git merge upstream

This will cause conflicts again, but instead of fixing them, you just re-use the merge result that you already have:

git read-tree -u --reset tmp    # This reads the tree of the previous merge and
                                # puts it into the index and  working tree

git commit

This leads to

A---B---C---D---E---M (master)
 \                 /
  X---X---V---X---- (upstream)

And the next update then gives:

A---B---C---D---E---M---M (master)
 \                 /   /
  X---X---V---X-------X (upstream)